Sorry I wasnt on the ps3 in a long time, I got addicted to World of Warcraft >.< I would like to join again, Ill take a trial again if its OK with you, and I will then make a DsK- account when I'm accepted.
Your Name: Romain
Age: 15
Nationality: Dutch
Your Gaming Tag: DarkBrolly
Game(s) You Play: uhmm Battlefield Bad Company
Games you will gonna buy: LittleBigPlanet?
Edit: might buy CoD4, but my parents are whining about spending too much money on games, so might take a while
How Much Time Do You Play A Week: Since schools started again 1.5 hours monday to friday and in weekends 4 hours? could be more overall.
Do you have you're PC and PS3 the same time? yes
Current Clan/Past Clan.
What is the longest you have previously stayed in a clan: Ok.. like 2 weeks? your my first clan!
Why would you like to join DsK: Nice clan, like to play cassual and first clan ive had on the ps3
Where did you find our clan/forum: Koen in July on Bad company
What do you bring to the DsK clan: A pretty good chance to win!
Some Information About Yourself:
well, 15 years live in Maastricht, the Netherlands just started playing Bad company again first non-ranked now ranked again. I can't play that often from mondaysto fridays because of homework =[ Thats about all, Im gonna practise some more on Bad Company and hope Ill make it through the trials.
P.S. I have a headset